Waste disposal companies
Efficient management of waste disposal company requires integration of multiple tasks and control activities performed by separate organizational entities, in order to achieve set goals that can be measured in technological and economic terms.
Waste disposal entities operating across various industries are characterised by following specificities that impact architecture of an integrated management supporting system:
- Entire economic cycle, starting from production, through distribution, up to unusual sales (i.e. billing),
- Legal regulations specific for that industry,
- Territorial dispersion of an infrastructure and processes, and associated with that data location attribute.

For that reason, we have developed a solution that is tailored to manage settlements in waste disposal companies – of disposal processes, as well as management of complex activities in transportation department. SANITUS® suite enables to issue cyclical invoices (for cyclical services), as well as to issue invoices for one-off services. It has been designed for the companies specialising in waste management. The suite offers close cooperation with Comarch ERP Optima/XL systems, by downloading from them definitions of services and subcontractors and returning to them ready invoices. Comprehensive payments settlements with clients is performed in the specific modules of the Comarch ERP Optima/XL suites.
Maximal automation of settlements with the subcontractors was one of the main goals set while designing the solution. On each of the payment slips there are barcodes that include all necessary information about the client. Payments settlement is based on the client banking sub-accounts, which allows for precise and fast identification of client transfers (through any file exchange format in the home-banking system). Barcodes can be read in a bank or at the cash desk of the waste disposal company – in case of cash payments, they simplify identification of a client.